Category: Exercise

Definition Of Aerobics Exercise

I’ve mentioned it very often so you might be wondering the definition of aerobics exercise! Aerobic exercise is basically any exercise or activity that helps to strengthen the heart. In a nutshell, if you engage in any activity that raises your heart rate significantly, it can be said that you are doing aerobics. This definition of aerobics has caused many… Read more »

Exercising in the Heat

Being outdoors in warm weather can be exhilarating, especially if you have spent months inside because of cold weather. Summer brings many opportunities to participate in physical activities and sports, as well as the daylight hours to enjoy these pursuits! However, understanding how to safely and effectively exercise in the heat is important. Here are some dos and don’ts to… Read more »

Factors to get a yoga teacher education

Yoga teachers are considered by me like a crucial culture of players. Soldier one is the local yoga teacher whose class you cannot miss. Soldier one may be the yoga teacher who advances the like to an incredible number of yogis and moves the planet hosting conference prepared periods. Soldier three may be the individual at work. At the office… Read more »

Leg Stretches – Lengthen Those Lean Muscles

Before reading about leg stretches, be sure to check out my article on warming up first. Learning about stretching exercises is important, to keep nasty injuries away when you are working out. This is a serious topic, and should not be taken lightly. Most people ignore the importance of stretching end up with muscle sprains and ligament tears, and blame it on… Read more »

Hamstring Stretches – Most Overlooked Stretch Ever

Why are hamstring stretches not classified under leg stretches? Well, I felt that it should be given more priority because not many people are aware of the importance of stretching their hamstrings. This lack of awareness has caused hamstring related injuries to be one of the highest today. This muscle is quite susceptible to injuries. The reason is, it is… Read more »