Category: Health & Sport

Top 9 sports nutrition myths

The sporting world is filled with numerous myths regarding how you can achieve maximum performance from your body. Different sportspersons have different opinions regarding sports nutrition, but the truth is that you can’t incorporate the same in your regime until it has been verified by science. These are the top 10 nutrition myths that sportspersons around the world face: Consumption… Read more »

Mood-Boosting foods

Have you ever eaten something only to make you feel dreadfully fatigued or slow, given you a headache or made you feel bloated and remorseful? If so, you should also ask yourself if you’ve ever eaten something that made you feel energized without a quick rise and crash, relaxed or satisfied without feeling as if you’ve over-indulged.  You may have… Read more »

Sugar – is it really evil?

Sugar is considered to be a dietary evil even though our brain cannot function properly without it. So, some important questions which arise here are: Should sugar be avoided at all costs? Or is it fine to consume it in the form such as fructose which is fruit sugar? Before these questions are answered, there are some nutritional facts regarding… Read more »